His Blood (When I Survey)
Have you ever stood and surveyed damage after a large storm? You might have internally counted the cost of all the damage while gazing over the area. In the hymn, “When I Survey The Wondrous Cross,” Isaac Watts looks at the damage done to our Savior, and helps us see the cost paid for our sin. With a newly written chorus, “His blood has made me free, His pain is my relief,” we continue looking to the cross for the payment of our debt and to the hope we have in Jesus because of his sacrifice.
It is finished. The blood of Jesus has been spilled for us. Before our King would rise from the grave, He first had to die. He died physically, and bore our punishment of being separated from God the Father.
On Good Friday, we mourn the loss of our King, but we do so with hope. His death is out of perfect love and righteousness, all for you. Easter is coming, and we will soon rejoice; but our Savior could not rise from the grave without dying on the cross first.