Matthew 28:19

Making disciples of Jesus is a command found in the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19). The importance of this verse lies in sharing the love and grace of Jesus Christ with anyone willing to hear it. This requires a willingness to be on mission, but this should not be carried out by the individual alone. Instead, it should be carried out as a church. That is why we've incorporated this imperative into one of our core values: On Mission Together. In this effort, we commit to serving the Lord by taking the message of Jesus across the streets in our local community, across the states in our country, and across the seas throughout the world. If you are interested in missions, click the link below!


Across the Streets

Generosity Jonesboro was created in 2020 to benefit the residents of Northeast Arkansas during the worldwide pandemic. Since it's start, over 2,500 meals have been given to the local community, over 600 backpacks have been given to students, a vehicle has been donated to a family in need, thousands have been fed through the Good Tidings program over Christmas, and numerous individuals have heard of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Across the States

Through our partnership with the Arkansas Baptist State Convention and the North American Mission Board (NAMB), Nettleton Baptist has partnered with several ministries across the country to provide disaster relief from hurricanes and other natural disasters and traveled to several states for local missions work for communities and churches.

Across the Seas

We are proud to partner with the International Mission Board (IMB) who have graciously aided us in training and direction as we take the Gospel across the world into various locations, such as South Asia, Africa, Central and South America.


We want you to be a part of all that God is doing through the On Mission Together program. There are amazing trips and opportunities coming soon for first-time mission goers*, summer opportunities for College students, family trips, and more! Stay tuned for all that is being planned for next year's On Mission Together opportunities.

*Never been on a mission trip before, but are nervous about finances? If you are a member at NBC, you are eligible for one of our scholarships!  For more information, contact the church office at 870-932-4960.

Belize, Central America - March 22-28
Guinea, Africa - March 22-29
Kansas City: YOUTH - March 24-28
Honduras, Central America: Surgery Team - May 30 - June 6
South Asia – June 13-22
San Diego: Family Mission Trip – June
Honduras, Central America: Village Team - October 4-10


How to PRAY for our missionaries:


Be The Light
April & May
Please pray that we cross paths with people who need to hear about Jesus, and that disciples are produced!
Food Trucks & Fireworks
July 3rd @ NBC
Let our staff and members be intentional with the people of the community coming onto our campus. Let us radiate Christ's love!
One Day
October 4th | Jonesboro Churches Co-op
We pray that our hearts, and those of the churches we collaborate with, are gentle and lowly like that of Christ. We pray this event will bring community outreach and build relations and meaningful connections between the body of Christ, and the public.
Good Tidings
December 5-6 @ NBC
Pray that we meed the needs of those around us with generosity, and filled with joy! Let us be meaningful in the time we get with the people of Northeastern Arkansas.


Kansas City
March 24th - 28th
Please pray for boldness among our youth, and transformation among the young population in Kansas City. Let there be open hearts, and well utilized opportunities.
San Diego
June 12th-18th
Pray for unity among our team, and to form meaningful connection and partnerships with the local churches (like Doxa Church). Also, pray God uses this trip to bring each team member closer to him.
Delta | Backpacks & School Supply Giveaway
August 2nd
Pray that our volunteers have open hearts and are willing to share the Gospel and serve others. Pray for Christ-like love as greet, share, and serve.


Belize, Central America
March 22nd-28th
Please pray that our team have open hearts, unity, and safety. As this is a family trip, please pray that the younger volunteers be encouraged and have opportunities to share the Gospel as well.
Guinea, Africa
March 22nd-29th
Pray for spiritual breakthroughs among the locals. Also, pray for boldness among our college students, and for safety for the team.
Honduras, Central America | Surgery Team
May 30th - June 6th
Please pray for God's protection and safety for our team. Pray they perform their work with excellent care, and their hands be guided by God.
South Asia
June 13th - 22nd
Please pray for lasting effect, the emboldenment of the long-term missions partners, and for the sustaining and inspiration of local churches.
Honduras, Central America | Village Team
October 4th - 10th
Pray that there be opportunities to share, and that the volunteers utilize every chance with a full heart. Also, pray that the local pastors be inspired and encouraged by the support and love brough by our team.